Ann Li

Hand-written name, "Ann Li"

Ann Li

is a multidisciplinary designer and researcher crafting creative research-driven experiences across platforms

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Ann Li

Neurobiologist-turned designer driven by sense-making, systems thinking, and storytelling. Open to full-time product, interaction, experience design roles.

Work spans the digital and physical, including functional user interfaces, immersive experiences, mixed-methods research, and creative strategy.

Spotify Timeline

Music (re)discovery: a product concept for the nostalgic listener


Product Design
UX Research
Mobile App Design


Spring 2020 (Feb - May 2020)


Pen + Paper


Spotify Timeline provides users with a meaningful record of past discoveries and listening history, shaping and informing future exploration.

A 10-week project investigating solutions to unaddressed user needs in a popular mobile app. I chose Spotify for three main reasons:

  1. The impact of digital streaming platforms on the music industry
  2. Spotify's popularity amongst listeners, and emphasis on personalized/user-centered features
  3. As a personal challenge- I had minimal initial frustrations with the app, and did not enter the process with a particular problem/solution in mind


Identify and explore improvements to major user obstacles to social music sharing and discovery.

Through user research, collaborative brainstorming, and prototyping, I gathered research insights to expand functionality and user delight.


Conveniently access current favorites right from your home screen

Liked Songs integration
Easily access present and past favorites with flatter visible navigation.

Take a trip down memory lane

Look back at new discoveries and last month's favorites with a simple swipe.

Review the soundtrack of your year(s)

Transport back with a cumulative view of your listening trends across the years.

User  research revealed unexpected  behaviors and priorities

Music is personal, and people are invested in their past and continuing exploration.

I initially expected listeners to have the most hang-ups over music sharing and social activity features. After surveying users, it quickly became clear that people were not so concerned about what others were listening to. Rather, an interest in improving personal taste development and music curation surfaced.

A general survey of 14 users revealed existing behaviors and key features–

Features from most to least used. 1) recently saved/liked 2) self-made playlists and Spotify-curated playlists (Discovery Weekly) 3) Spotify-made, category playlists (Pop Rising) 4) recently listened

Identifying Pain Points

In contrast to my original hypothesis, user feedback directed the focus towards personal taste development and improving music curation.

I conducted contextual inquiries and a series of user observation sessions with 5 participants. Spotify does a great job with discovery options, and users were ambivalent towards social sharing features.

Digitized version of brainstorming session results, mimicking the original "sticky note" form.
Affinity diagram of initial findings, cleaned up. Green, red, and blue stickies denote positive, negative, and neutral sentiments toward the use of each feature respectively.

Initial Findings

Music lovers want to look back at their musical journey, while readily exploring new finds and accessing nostalgic favorites. Currently, it’s tedious to keep track of liked songs and organize new finds in a meaningful way.

  1. People utilize the “Liked Songs” feature frequently, but for alternative purposes- as a working playlist of current favorites or a historic archive.
  2. People want a simple, quick way to group new discoveries.
  3. People like to organize the music they love into further sub-categories; to catch up on old favorites and for different moods and occasions.
  4. Due to human error or frustration, users are losing track of new discoveries and music they like. Users want to enjoy using Liked Songs, but are deterred due to a lack of organization.

With insights derived from contextual inquiry, I redefined the people problem:

As a music lover, I want to look back at the music I've progressed through and enjoyed, while exploring new finds and accessing the constant favorites I love.

Collaborative Brainstorming

A diverse group of Spotify users were recruited to outline solutions and provide feedback on feature impact.

Photos of rounds 1-4 of our brainstorming session. How Might We's were written on sticky notes, aggregated, and refined into solution spaces.
Left: Ideation and aggregation. Rounds 1-2. Right: Ideation for 3 main opportunity areas, aggregation into solution spaces, and voting. Rounds 3-4.

I enlisted 7 participants with diverse listening tastes and habits. Through participatory brainstorming, we identified three promising solution spaces that needed some TLC —

  • Personal Customization: organizing and suggesting playlists by “mood”, tailored to the user and their habits through A/B testing
  • Chronology: organization of liked songs for quick access and comprehensive documentation
  • External User Rules: opening the queue for collaborative access

Low-fidelity sketches of 3 features on left, Timeline feature brainstorming on the right
Low fidelity sketches of addressing the three solution spaces, and sketches for the timeline feature


My approach was to allow existing user behaviors and attitudes guide potential areas of intervention.

  1. Listeners want to be able to look back at their musical journey, while readily exploring new finds and accessing nostalgic favorites.
  2. Currently, it’s tedious to keep track of liked music and organize finds in a meaningful way.

After feasibility/impact evaluation, I decided on Feature 1 to develop further– a chronological organization feature to clean up Liked Songs and provide new functionality. This solution services the broadest user scenarios while building upon a solid existing infrastructure. Timeline allows users to efficiently access recent discoveries, while providing the built-in framework to make revisiting old favorites delightful and intuitive.


Design explorations

I tested a series of medium fidelity screen iterations with users to inform design decisions around navigation, hierarchy, layout, and interactions.

I wanted to introduce an option that was intuitive and efficient. I presented a series of preliminary iterations to 5 users for A/B testing, exploring three key considerations:

  1. The assigned prominence of the feature
  2. Interaction with the timeline mechanism
  3. End point organization of archived favorites

Entry Point

Users prefer a merger with Liked Songs, with new entry points to access the feature.

  • Users desired high-level, static entry points for convenience
  • Designation as a “fixed” playlist corresponds to users’ existing mental models
  • Rebranding of Liked Songs satisfies users’ desire for smooth integration and heightened prominence
Home/entry point explorations

Timeline Navigation

Existing interfaces are important to users, who demand a level of consistency.

  • The ability to access additional years of listening history was unclear, as users had difficulty recognizing the Lifetime node.
  • Access to older listening history should be more noticeable– Lifetime signifier needs to be more prominent and distinct from the other nodes

Horizontal swipes hinder the established vertical navigation pattern, and conflict with quick-action gestures such as queuing.

  • Maintain vertical continuity across the feature– follow users’ expectations
  • Increase the size of monthly labels or change text styles to boost prominence across months

Touch-state node labels were included in all future versions to improve feedback for monthly quick-scrolling.

Timeline organization and scroll interaction explorations

Lifetime View

Though other interactions were novel and fun to use, users preferred a simple interface inline with existing UI.

Users were confused about the function of the play icon (“I thought it was an arrow pointing later in the year”). It was not immediately clear that each year within the feature can be shuffled.

  • Relocate the play icon, or make it more prominent and visually consistent with other icons throughout the app

It was important to users that they have varying levels of granularity.

The flexibility to use Timeline as a monthly, annual, or cumulative recap playlist resulted in various shuffle and play options.

"Lifetime" view  options and interface explorations

Style guide

A UI kit was developed in line with the existing Spotify system to guide high-fidelity designs.

UI Kit following existing Spotify branding

High-Fidelity Explorations

Insights from evaluative testing informed the design of high-fidelity screens, which went through another round of user testing for usability and desirability.

Entry Point

High fidelity entry point/home page explorations and final iteration

Timeline Navigation

High-fidelity Timeline organization/scroll interaction explorations and final iteration

Lifetime View

High-fidelity Lifetime view explorations and final iteration

Final Prototype

The final concept reflects natural behaviors and addresses frustrations with Liked Songs that may be affecting feature usage.

“Liked songs doesn’t have any utility currently- I never use it because it’s a mess and I’d rather just make a playlist of all the music I listen to each month.”
“Right now I’m super selective with what songs I like because there’s no organization within Liked Songs. I wish I could just shuffle play a portion of it instead of the whole thing…I don’t want a song I liked from 3 years ago to pop up randomly, but I also don’t want to unlike it and lose it forever.”
Final interaction flow

Based on user feedback, listeners will “like” and interact with more songs as they use Timeline. It has potential as a behavioral intervention, leading to increased usage of the app.

“It would be really easy to create seasonal playlists now, which I tend to do a lot.”
“I’d use the hell out of this. That way I can stop making playlists each month and just go to the timeline.”


Listeners want a contextualized history of their musical journey. By providing users with a meaningful record of past discoveries, the Timeline feature also shapes and informs future exploration. This feature seeks to provide a simple solution in alignment with existing user practices, and aims to address latent needs.

Mockup on the iPhone 11 Pro

My first experience conducting generative user research and iterating solutions has reinforced the importance of unbiased, open-ended inquiry. The discrepancies between my original hypotheses and actual users' desires revealed the need to validate assumptions and examine driving behaviors early in the design process, and how qualitative and qualtitative measures support each other.

This project solidified the notion that design isn't about flashy aesthetics or fancy features, but is first and foremost a means of problem-solving. What seems like such a simple design, when aligned with latent user needs, has potential to create lasting engagement and memorable impact.

With streaming, music has become increasingly accessible, allowing for continued exploration, connection, and community. This project was born out of a desire to help listeners and contribute to a beloved product that is used by millions daily.


This was a case study for the Spring 2020 Digital Product Design course at Cornell University.

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