Ann Li

Hand-written name, "Ann Li"

Ann Li

is a multidisciplinary designer and researcher crafting creative research-driven experiences across platforms

Best viewed on desktop

Ann Li

Neurobiologist-turned designer driven by sense-making, systems thinking, and storytelling. Open to full-time product, interaction, experience design roles.

Work spans the digital and physical, including functional user interfaces, immersive experiences, mixed-methods research, and creative strategy.

Negative Space

An original publication reflecting on and exploring the design mind


Design Theory
Interaction Design
Layout Design


Fall 2021




A reflective piece that illustrates and embodies my personal conception of the design mind: as Negative Space, existing in the "in between", the intermediary pauses and open spaces that connect and envelop all else.

We were tasked with creating a highly visual zine that communicates our perspective on the design mind- what it is, how it works, and why it’s worth thinking about.



To properly showcase my perspective on the design mind, I first reviewed my notes from the past semester and beyond, marking down ideas of interest and re-visiting connections that had been documented previously. From this round of searching, I began mapping out relationships and potential directions the zine could go in, creating paper prototypes to inform and guide concept exploration.  

Identification and Refinement

Culmination of influences and ideas from the semester + beyond–

Whiteboard brainstorming


The form of the zine not only aligns with its content, but the act of interacting with it is essential to realizing the full narrative presented.

The zine is printed and constructed in a specific way, such that the reader is required to spend time with it, unfolding each "leaf" to reveal a three-dimensional sculpture. To view the majority of the content, readers are invited to manipulate the zine through space, thereby accessing additional visual and written content hidden within the "negative space" of the activated zine.

Process notes sample


Each spread was planned carefully to align and flow with its adjacent leaves, taking into consideration any areas that would be cut out and hand finished, and variations in reading orientation.

Original illustrations were done by hand in Adobe Fresco and Procreate, then transferred to Photoshop and Illustrator for post-processing and final compositions.

Selected alternative flat layouts (digital viewing)
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© 2024 Ann Li
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