Neurobiologist-turned designer driven by sense-making, systems thinking, and storytelling. Open to full-time product, interaction, experience design roles.
Work spans the digital and physical, including functional user interfaces, immersive experiences, mixed-methods research, and creative strategy.
This project was inspired by Michael Bierut's 100 Day Project, conceived, and presented at Carnegie Mellon University.
Working from a 1 minute sketch on Day 1, 2 minute sketch on Day 2, 3 minute sketch on Day 3...each successive day will follow a timed condition leading up to and back down from Day 50, creating self-imposed restrictions through timescale, subject matter, and medium.
I hoped to initiate a project prompt that would create opportunities for both growth and regression, that would help me address a personal tendency to overanalyze and overwork, and that would allow me to explore how perceptions of importance and significance change over time.
Not only was this an exercise in working quickly and gesturally before building up to complexity, it served as several forms of documentation and expression, both a conceptual and literal self-portrait. Material outcomes reflected changes in self perception as a subject, and in my observational approach and practice. It's safe to say, I was pretty sick of my face by the end of these 100 days.